Huntington Beach’s Financial Rescue: The $5.4 Million Pacific Airshow Settlement

Jet Planes Flying over Orange County
Surf City's Conservative Leaders Secure a Win for the Local Economy A Lifeline for the City's Budget The Pacific Airshow's significant economic impact on Huntington Beach since 2016 cannot be understated. The recent decision by the city's conservative leadership to settle with the show for a whopping $5.4 million underscores this. Mayor Tony Strickland emphasized the...

California’s Housing Crisis Intensifies: Coastal Cities, Legal Battles, and Affordable Homes

Huntington Beach Coastal view
The Golden State's struggle with its housing shortage takes center stage as legal confrontations unfold. State vs. Coastal Cities California's initiative to mandate its affluent coastal cities, like Huntington Beach, to increase low-cost housing construction has sparked two significant lawsuits. This showcases the escalating tension in addressing a housing crisis that has amplified the state's homeless...

Huntington Beach Gets Over $5 Million On Old Development Deal

After California kept community redevelopment organizations from continuing their operations, many cities sought investments that they had expected that the state would reimburse. The redevelopment law after the Second World War was meant to aid citizens in revitalizing blighted areas. Huntington Beach city was doing just that as its RDA (redevelopment agency) offered funds to...